Each time i try to get my thoughts together to put some interesting junk into this tiny web space, its a major failure. May be its the life thats causing it. Standing at the crossroads in a temporary halt trying to figure out by itself where to venture into next and with my mind being highly uncooperative, only giving it some haphazard insinuations about each and every interesting thing about this highly sophisticated and complicated world.
An amplified episode of this started in Bangalore where time just flies. By the time you get up, you realize its time for bed. A place where you can almost expect anything and everything to happen exactly the way you do not want it to unless it has the perfect way of working out synchronously with the task that your programmer assigns you for the day. The only time where you find some element of satisfaction is when a weekend plan of yours works out just the right way you wish. Week long what you think is you is not you. A constant feel of an intelligent donkey acting with numerous programmed or manual instructions set by the the Boss! is what keeps haunting you! The day you manage to be just slightly out of the right column of the chart you are expected to be in, is the day you can't just miss out on an all-praise session behind the glass door. Well,if you give a stop at this and look at it, these are just the facts of an endless uninteresting drama out of which nothing comes out except a huge number at regular intervals of thirty.
Even with this unending feeling of undefined monotonousness, each day in the city began with a new discussion, a new question, a new experience, a new talk, a new lesson, all together bringing a new understanding of this going-to-be significant or insignificant life, adding new inputs to this unfilled journey which is headed towards an unknown destiny. And with a re-modified perspective of life, things which you thought before were simpler get complicated and things which you thought were lot complicated get extremely simple. With few interesting discussions, few memorable acquaintances, few undone mistakes, few swaying moods and with a few reluctantly extended days the period ended. More than saying 'Life is a box of chocolates' it is 'Bunch of surprises' which keeps you on cloud nine when you witness things that are shaping up which you secretly wish could happen. All surprise lies where you realize this acquired shape incredibly turned out to be the odd one. :D
An amplified episode of this started in Bangalore where time just flies. By the time you get up, you realize its time for bed. A place where you can almost expect anything and everything to happen exactly the way you do not want it to unless it has the perfect way of working out synchronously with the task that your programmer assigns you for the day. The only time where you find some element of satisfaction is when a weekend plan of yours works out just the right way you wish. Week long what you think is you is not you. A constant feel of an intelligent donkey acting with numerous programmed or manual instructions set by the the Boss! is what keeps haunting you! The day you manage to be just slightly out of the right column of the chart you are expected to be in, is the day you can't just miss out on an all-praise session behind the glass door. Well,if you give a stop at this and look at it, these are just the facts of an endless uninteresting drama out of which nothing comes out except a huge number at regular intervals of thirty.
Even with this unending feeling of undefined monotonousness, each day in the city began with a new discussion, a new question, a new experience, a new talk, a new lesson, all together bringing a new understanding of this going-to-be significant or insignificant life, adding new inputs to this unfilled journey which is headed towards an unknown destiny. And with a re-modified perspective of life, things which you thought before were simpler get complicated and things which you thought were lot complicated get extremely simple. With few interesting discussions, few memorable acquaintances, few undone mistakes, few swaying moods and with a few reluctantly extended days the period ended. More than saying 'Life is a box of chocolates' it is 'Bunch of surprises' which keeps you on cloud nine when you witness things that are shaping up which you secretly wish could happen. All surprise lies where you realize this acquired shape incredibly turned out to be the odd one. :D
ReplyDeleteI guess your preperation for GRE has already started!!! You should acknowledge the quotes you have used u know....."time flies", "By the time you get up, you realize its time for bed" are clearly stolen from the dude :D .... shall i tell him abt this stealing thing u are doing so publicly????
"Well,if you give a stop at this and look at it, these are just the facts of an endless uninteresting drama out of which nothing comes out except a huge number at regular intervals of thirty"....i like this one most!!! and i hope its your original :D !!!
whoa whoa! what a post!
ReplyDeletedo you remember "that" weekend where everything was so lol? :)
We are the dude's fans!.. He makes the best statements! I am just popularizing them. He wouldn't mind it I am sure if you report this as a case of plagiarism!
ReplyDeleteya the other one was my original! :D
@Vidya: Which weekend? Lots were lol
ReplyDeleteyou seem to be slowly drifting into my track.....please popularize Hitchiker's and the movies I told you about also.....that is since you dont feel it is plagiarism!!!
'intelligent donkey'